Follow-up visits with the doctor are mandatory and are very important in the process of finalizing your prescription. It is important that your eye health be evaluated closely to ensure the fit is successful. During this time, any issues regarding the vision or comfort of the lenses are addressed and altered at no additional charge for a three-month period following the initial fitting. When you are completely satisfied and the doctor is completely satisfied, the prescription will be finalized, and you may purchase a year’s supply of lenses. Your contact lens prescription will be valid for one year. Contact lens evaluation is required yearly to renew your contact lens prescription and may be subject to additional fees not covered by insurance.
There are several levels of contact lens fittings based on the complexity of the lens design and visual requirements. In most cases, contact lenses are considered cosmetic and therefore medical insurance plans do not cover any portion of the fees towards contact lens services. Vision plans may only pay a portion of the fees associated with the fitting process. Some eye conditions, such as keratoconus, qualify for medically necessary contact lenses and may be covered by your insurance.
Always follow your doctor’s recommendations for wear time, replacement and cleaning to avoid possible complications.